Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thoughts on Syrian Refugees, Good & Evil, and Why We Do What We Do...

Watch this video before reading the rest of this post:

It seems like every week there is some new controversial issue sweeping around the world.  People are ripping each-others throats out in social media and continually bickering back and forth.  In the latest controversy regarding allowing Syrian refugees into the United States, I am somewhat hesitant to welcome them with open arms.

I follow a blog called The Havok Journal and posted the following quote to Facebook a few days ago:

"I don’t want them here because I am tired of watching the people of the ‘religion of peace’ run to countries they ostensibly hate when they need help because they refuse to stand up for themselves."

That pretty much summed up my initial reaction and thoughts to the entire issue.  I had seen the above video a few years ago and found it very touching.  In the midst of this refugee controversy I went back and watched it again today.

I have a hard time watching this video and then saying that I don't want this girl and her family to come to America.  In fact, I can't say that at all.

I realized that my biggest issue surrounding Syrian refugees isn't the refugees, but my lack of trust and faith in the leadership of America.  I believe Obama is a sham and a disgrace to America - and I cannot trust him or his administration to determine if the people they are letting in are coming in the name of peace or jihad.

This led me to think a little deeper.  Refugees are the "what" and we are all wondering "what" we should do with them and "what" we can do to help them.  But what we should be asking ourselves is "why".  Why are there refugees in the first place?

These people are refugees because there is a group of people in the Middle East who are slaughtering everyone that does not believe they way they do and attempting to create a country based upon those beliefs.  They are evil and they are "why" refugees exist.  They are the people who would shoot your 12 year old daughter in the back because you don't go to the same church that they do.  I have a daughter around the same age as this girl and watching this video tugs at my heart and makes me want to do a little shooting myself...

So why don't we focus on the "why" and deal with the "why"?  I'm not so idealistic and naive as to believe the world can be entirely rid of evil, but why should we tolerate it?  The common and simple answer to that question is that America should not become the world police.  People should stand up for themselves and deal with evil in their own country.  We shouldn't send our young men and women over there to risk their lives.  I feel this way a lot of the time, but I'm finding this belief is beginning to change.

I could ask the same question.  Why should I police the county where I work?  I'm fully capable of defending my home and family.  I was an urban combat instructor in the military.  If someone breaks into my home, they won't survive the experience.  So why should I risk my life for people I don't even know and for people who don't even like me or what I represent?

I will bring home about $31,000 this year for what I do.  After surviving one near death experience after another, I sometime question my sanity.  OK, so the county pays me a little bit, but do you really think that's why I do it?

Last night we got a 911 call.  A drunk man was in a fight with his girlfriend.  She had been able to lock him out of the house and he was outside banging on the door.  We were told that he usually has a gun on him.  It was another recipe for disaster.

I arrived first and the suspect had fled the scene in his vehicle. He was later located and taken to jail.  But my point in telling this story is why would I risk my life responding to such a potentially dangerous situation.  I didn't know the woman.  She was no family or friend of mine.  So why should I deal with her problems?  Why can't she stand up and protect herself?

The reason I do what I do is because I have the ability and capacity to do it and it's the right thing to do.  It usually has very little to do with the people involved.  In fact, many times the people we risk our lives to protect hate cops.  How's that for irony?  We do it because it's the right thing to do.  We do it because evil is evil - even when it's perpetrated upon people that hate you or should be able to do something about it themselves.

America should stand up to evil, anywhere in the world, because we have the ability and capacity to do it and because it's the right thing to do.  The fight will never be over.  It will be a continual game of "Whack a Mole", but every time evil lifts its nasty head, someone should be there to smack it back down and "if not me, then who".  If not American, then who?

There is good and evil in this world.  And while we talk about serving and protecting and how "greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends" it's not always that idealistic.  It's usually just the right thing to do and I have the ability to do it.

If someone goes into your kids school and starts shooting them, you'd expect me and those like me, to go in there and stop (kill) the evil person doing it.  Can you imagine the outrage if we showed up, evacuated as many of the kids out of the building and then just said, "well, those are dangerous people in there and we have them contained to that building.  Let's just find a new school for the kids that we were able to evacuate and there's just not much we can do for the kids still trapped inside - we can't go around saving every one."

We can't save everyone, but we need to focus on why this problem exists and deal with it the best we can.  Maybe the purpose of America is to be the world police and do everything we can to stand against evil where ever it exists.  Often the people that hate cops end up seeing that we're not so bad when we show up and help them.  Our service to them changes the way they feel about us.  Maybe the way to help people in the Middle East stop hating America is to help them stand up to the evil that is murdering and torturing their loved ones.  We have an all volunteer military.  If that kind of work isn't for you, then don't worry about it.  They people who sign up to do it understand why they are doing it.  Because it's the right thing to do and they have the ability to do something about it.

The Book of Mormon teaches, "Therefore, my beloved brother, Moroni, let us resist evil, and whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, yea, such as rebellions and dissensions, let us resist them with our swords, that we may retain our freedom, that we may rejoice in the great privilege of our church, and in the cause of our Redeemer and our God." (Alma 61:14)

The world is simply not big enough anymore for people that slaughter anyone who doesn't believe the way they do.  There are no "COEXIST" bumper stickers in the Middle East (only on peoples' cars in the West who are protected by someone else!)  You either believe the way they do or they cut your head off.  How do you "COEXIST" with people like that?

There is no simple answer.  Let's bring in the refugees and help their children learn to love America so they won't walk into shopping malls and movie theaters with suicide vests.  Maybe it will work... but let's do something about WHY they - and we - are having this problem in the first place.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Just a few thoughts on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints policy towards gay marriage and children

Firstly, entering into a gay marriage is open defiance and rebellion against God.  God has established His law of chastity which states that sexual relations only occur between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded.  Any sexual relations other than between one man and one woman who are married to eachother is a violation of God's law.  The Church takes disciplinary action on any member who violates the law of chastity in any way.  Entering into a gay marriage is openly flaunting a serious violation of God's law of chastity and shows open rebellion against God and the laws of His kindgom.

Entering into a polygamous marriage is open rebellion and defiance against God as well and the same policy is applied to both situations.

None of us are perfect so how is this different from anyone who strives against some sin but falls short? 

There is a difference between imperfect efforts to overcome sin and weakness and deciding to live in your sin - and then telling God and the rest of us that we must accept your sinful nature.

All of us struggle with some type of sin - often a few of them.  God does not expect us to be perfect in this life, but He does expect us to do all that we can to rise above our sinful natures.  "For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." (2 Nephi 25:23)

God sent his Son to redeem mankind; not to leave or accept us in our lost and fallen state.  God has said, "For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance" (Doctrine and Covenants 1:31) and "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever." (1 Nephi 10:21)

Christ has power lift us up and pull us out of our sins. He says to us, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." (Moroni 10:32)

Entering into gay marriage is demanding that God, and the rest of us, accept you in your sinful nature.  That is not denying yourselves of all ungodliness, that is demanding God accept sin and denying Christ's redemptive power.  That is open defiance and rebellion against God.

Many people today have come to define love as "accepting me the way I am and letting me do whatever I want".  That is not God's love.  God's love is perfect, yet He cast one third of His children out of heaven for rebellion.  Rebellion against God is dangerous ground.  And God's definition of love is a little different.  He said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)  So using your worldly definition of "love" to argue against this policy smacks of hypocracy.  If you love God, then keep His commandments... like His law of chastity.

Secondly, if you actually believe the Gospel and Doctrine of Christ, then you know that after reaching the age of accountability (8 years old) we are responsible for our own sins.  That means we are then responsible to strive to overcome them through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  If you don't believe that then none of this matters and I don't know why you care if the rest of us do believe it.

It's not possible for children who are raised in a home, that is in open rebellion against God, to be taught the fullness of truth and righteousness.  Actions speak louder than words; so no matter how much truth is preached in that home, the sermon of the parents' actions instills a much more powerful set of values and beliefs into a child.  This is true of any home.  So how could a home, that is in open rebellion against God, prepare a child to make and keep sacred, binding covenants with God?

Allowing such a child to enter into the covenant of baptism, and other such covenants, would be condemning that child.  The Book of Mormon gives precedent for this exact situation.  The children of Laman and Lemuel, Lehi's grandchildren, were growing up in homes that were in open rebellion and defiance towards God.  Lehi knew that such a home was not capable to teaching the true gospel.  Lehi left this blessing upon all of the children in those homes:

"For the Lord God hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; and inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence.
But behold, my sons and my daughters, I cannot go down to my grave save I should leave a blessing upon you; for behold, I know that if ye are brought up in the way ye should go ye will not depart from it.
Wherefore, if ye are cursed, behold, I leave my blessing upon you, that the cursing may be taken from you and be answered upon the heads of your parents." (2 Nephi 4-6)

Basically, Lehi was saying, "because your parents are in open rebellion against God, I am blessing you that God will not hold you accountable and responsible."  This is showing compassion and love to the children.

Thirdly, why would any parent, who is in a gay marriage, want their children baptised into this church?  Why would you want your children to join an organization that you are in open rebellion against?  The answer is fairly simple.  There is a grassroots movement to alter the law of the Church to accept homosexuality.  People are trying to change the Church from the bottom up as though this was some political party or civic club.  If you really believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then you believe that Jesus Christ Himself stands and the top of it.  If you really believe that, then why are you trying to change Him and His laws?  If you don't believe that, then why do you want anything to do with it - and why would you want your kids in it?

These people want to change God and they would use their children to turn the Church into a political circus in doing so.  If you really want to talk about loving children, then lets have it out.  These people want to use their children to change the Church from the inside out.  What other reason could they possibly have for wanting their children to be in an organization that they themselves are openly defying and attempting to alter.  That would be like me wanting Al Qaeda or ISIS to let my kids join!  This policy prevents children from being used to alter and bend the Church to the sinful views of their parents.

Lastly, this all comes down to one simple issue.  This policy, and this church, either comes from God or a few old, white, men in Salt Lake City.  That's all there really is to this.  It either comes from God or from men.  It's only one of two ways.  If this church is not led by Jesus Christ Himself then why be part of it?  If this church has no revelatory conduit to the living God, then it's just a sham and we'd all do well to get out of it.  But if it is led by Jesus Christ, the living Savior of the World, then we should all do whatever it takes to be found living within His teachings and in solid membership in His kingdom. 

And there is one simple way, to come to know this one simple issue for yourself - pray.  Do as James and Moroni direct, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering..." (James 1:5-6) "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.  And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:4-5)

In closing let me state that I know God the Father and Jesus Christ are living and eternal beings.  I know, through the power and manifestation of the Holy Ghost, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is actually led and directed by Jesus Christ.  None of us are perfect, yet we can be perfected in and through the power of His atonement and rise above our sinful natures as we are obedient to His commandments and live according to His teachings.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Dash of Craziness - The Recipe for a Good Cop

I was at a law enforcement leadership training last week where we discussed recruiting and retaining good people in law enforcement.  I thought a lot about what it takes to do this job.

There are all the things people often talk about; Courage, Compassion, Loyalty, and on and on.

Then there are a few other things like intelligence.  Cops have to be able to make a decision in less one second that will take lawyers years to comprehend and answer.  Lots of people think cops are knuckle dragging brutes, but you have to think fast and then be able to write down why you did what you did.  Of course this can be tested and can aid in picking the right person for the job.

But being a good cop requires just a bit of craziness.  This is what makes it hard to find the right people for this job.  Too much craziness is a problem and too little craziness is also a problem.  How do you measure and then determine the proper amount of craziness in order to be a good cop?

So maybe you take 1 Cup of Courage with 3/4 Cup of Compassion.  Throw in a Tablespoon of Loyalty, a 1/2 Cup of Intelligence, and a Teaspoon of not needing to sleep... and then just a dash of craziness.

But that "dash" is the part we just can't figure out.  Without enough craziness they won't do the job (because no sane, rational person would do what we do for what we get paid!).  With too much craziness they would get killed faster than you can replace them.  

Guess we'll just have to settle for that "dash" of craziness and hope it turns out right!

Thoughts on Violence

A young lady in my ward is writing a paper on the issues surrounding law enforcement and asked if she could interview me.  She had some very insightful questions and I think we had a good conversation.  Speaking with her gave me an opportunity to organize a few thoughts that I want to put down here as well.

One of the things we discussed is how people with cell phones and other media devices capture officers using violence and what affect this has on society.  To some people it may seem like cops have become violent thugs and are always beating people up and shooting people.  I don't believe this is true.

Most people living in America today have never experienced a violent encounter with another person.  The most dangerous thing most Americans have ever experienced is a car accident - and while that is frightening, the other driver most likely was not trying to kill them.  It was just an accident, or the result of negligence, but the other driver was not actively trying to hurt or kill them.  

Americans have become so completely removed from violence, that they have no context to frame it within when they see it on youtube or the nightly news.  It just appears "wrong" to them.  It seems that many Americans simply cannot conceive of a need for violence.  Corporate boardrooms have developed lingo for dealing with confrontations and "elephants in the room" and everyone talks over their differences.  Schools teach violence is never the answer and expel anyone for fighting - no matter the reason.

Fewer and fewer children are involved in aggressive sports and we don't keep score anymore so we don't have to deal with winners and losers.  America, for the most part, is so incredibly peaceful that any form of violence is simply inconceivable.  

People are quick to recite, "violence is never the answer".  THAT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!  There are situations where violence is the only answer.  People forget that America was founded by fighting a long and devastating war for independence.  Our freedom was won, and preserved, through the proper use of violence.  But, by and large, we have created a society that believes violence is never the answer.  

So when people see videos of cops shooting and fighting with people, they get up on their high-horse and say "violence is never the answer.  Why can't you just sit down with that poor, misguided, justice involved person, and talk about the elephant in the room?"  They simply have no framework to comprehend what they are seeing.  They understand and believe in the concepts of law and order, but they want it to happen without anyone getting hurt. 

This is the root a lot of the problem surrounding law enforcement today.  Everyone is walking around with a film studio in their pocket and recording everything that happens.  People are seeing it more and more, but they don't understand what they are seeing because they are absolutely clueless when it comes to dealing with violent people.

Sometimes Violence Is the Answer

There are some situations that can only be resolved through the proper use of violence.  When a person goes into a mall, movie theater, or school and starts shooting people, the only thing that will make that person stop is violence.  Another person has to confront the shooter and stop him through the proper use of violence - which usually involves shooting him multiple times until he can no longer function.  That is not a bad thing, it's a good thing.

When some drunk, drugged, or crazy person is endangering everyone on the road, running from law enforcement and we ram them off the road, that's simply the proper use of violence.  When they get out of their car and we have to fight with them because they refuse to go into custody, that is the proper use of violence.  No talking about elephants in the room or counseling sessions will bring those situations to an end.

Some People Only Understand Violence

There are some people in society who only understand violence.  They only respect that which they fear.  We call them terrorists, criminals, and bullies.  They do whatever they want, to whom ever they want, until they are physically stopped.  They only understand the use of force.  If you come into a courtroom, you will find these people (for the most part) being very cordial and respectful talking to the judge.  You might look at them and think, "they're not so bad".  But don't be fooled.  They simply know that the odds are stacked against them.  They know the judge can give an order and they lose their freedom.  But they're not afraid of the judge.  That judges just talks.  They are afraid of the cops in that courtroom with guns, tasers and fists who will enforce the orders of that judge.

Even on the streets we typically don't have too many problems with these people (once we show up on-scene) because they know we will take away their freedom, hurt them or kill them if they press the issue with us.  They only understand force and who can bring down the greater amount of force at any given time.  If they perceive a weakness in the cops, this is when they will attack.  They have to understand that we will kill them, and then for the most part, they are fairly simple to deal with.

Violence As a Last Resort

For the most part, law enforcement is reactive.  We are reacting to other peoples' use of violence and force.  It's not lawful for us to take somebody down because they "might" hurt someone.  We have to wait until they have already done something or until we get hard evidence that shows they are going to hurt someone.  We also react to their level of violence.  If some drunk guy is outside his girlfriend's house yelling threats, we can't just roll up and shoot him.  

Violence is our last resort, but it's one that we willingly use when needed.  Violence is a last resort, but we're good at it... and that simply freaks some people out because they just can't comprehend the proper use of violence.  

Peace is achieved by violence.  Peace is maintained through violence or the threat of violence.  Sometimes, violence is the answer, but fewer and fewer people seem to be able to see that.  I believe this situation is one of the root causes of the "anti-law enforcement" furor sweeping the nation today. Most Americans simply have no context for understanding the proper use of violence.  

Unfortunately I don't know what will change that.  Fewer and fewer people have served in the military.  Fewer and fewer people are getting into law enforcement.  Fewer and fewer children are learning that it's OK to fight for a good cause.  I'm afraid the only thing that will change this trend is for more and more people to experience personal violence in their lives - and then maybe they will start to see there is a proper use of violence and appreciate the people who are good at it.

"But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." - Romans 13:4

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Head to Head with a Drunk Driver

"When you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus.”  - Joseph Smith

Halloween has surpassed New Years Eve for the number of drunks on the road.  It's always seemed to me that Halloween was mainly for kids, but now adults have turned it into a night to go out and be stupid.  (Maybe it's always been that way and I was just too out of touch to notice)  The roads all across northern Utah were filled with drunks last night - in fact the first DUI in our county on Halloween was at 10:30am.

Just after midnight we got a call of a car driving the wrong way on the freeway.  It was in a neighboring county when it was first called in.  Another Deputy and I headed west to the county line to intercept it if it came into our county.  Dispatch kept updating us as to it's location and Highway Patrol Troopers came out of the city and headed our way.

I was expecting to hear of a head-on collision any second as we raced westward at over 100mph.  As I approached an interstate overpass, and headed up the small rise, I felt the most peaceful, clear thought come into my mind.... "the last update over the radio placed the car 5 miles ahead of you.  At your rate of closure that car will be a few seconds ahead of you.  You need to start thinking about that"

We raced up and over the bridge with a curve a few hundred yards ahead.  I started searching ahead of me for the car.  Because of the curve, it was difficult to tell if oncoming traffic was in the appropriate lane.  A cable barrier separates the westbound and eastbound lanes.  A couple seconds later my headlights illuminated enough of the cable barrier to see that one set of headlights was on my side of the barrier.

The car came around the curve straight at me.  We were head to head - and it showed no sign of slowing.  I locked up my breaks and swerved to the right just as the oncoming car flashed by and continued east in the westbound lanes.  The other Deputy was a couple seconds behind be and he ditched to the right to avoid hitting me.

We both did a u-turn and quickly caught up to the vehicle.  I made a radio call updating dispatch to our location and pursuit of the car.  I looked down at my speed and it was exactly 100mph and the car showed no sign of stopping.  A couple more seconds passed and the car began to slow and pull over to the right - but still slightly in the travel lane of oncoming traffic.  The other Deputy and I jumped out of our vehicles, guns out, and approached the car.  The female driver was extremely intoxicated and thought she was in Wyoming.  After taking the keys out of her car, I moved down to warn on-coming traffic to move over.  The Troopers arrived and handled the DUI investigation and then took her to jail.

Explaining my experience here seems to make it seem like it all occurred in a slow, methodical way.  It did not.  This whole thing happened in a matter of seconds.

I believe God warned me and "pure intelligence" flowed into my mind.  He gave me a few seconds of knowing the danger was just over the hill - even though I had not seen it yet - to prepare myself.  Those few seconds of warning made all the difference.

Additional note:  My purpose in writing this post, and all the others in this blog, is not to make myself out to be some spiritual giant or make it seem like I'm some perfect person.  I AM NOT - not even close.  My list of faults is so long I can't even see the end of it.  Yet, even with all those faults, God still knows who I am and looks out for me.  And if He does it for me, then He does it for you.  This is my way of publically acknowledging Him and what He does for me.  It's all Him, it's not me.