Sunday, May 17, 2015

Try Turning Back Time

I wasn't at this incident, but am telling the story as it was told to me....

One of our Deputies arrested a kid for racing another car on a winding, mountain road.  The other car pulled over to face the consequences, but this kid and fled - thinking he could get away.  Guess he thought his fast car might be able to outrun our radios.  Didn't work for him and the neighboring county caught him and held him.

When our Deputy arrived to where they had stopped him, the kid (I call him a kid because I'm getting old, but he was old enough to be on probation) was a belligerent idiot - which earned him a set of handcuffs and a one-way ticket to jail.  As our Deputy was putting him into the back of his patrol car, the kid changed his attitude and asked, "Is there anything I can do not to go to jail?"  To which the Deputy replied (and I admire his wit), "Guess you could figure out a way to turn back time" and slammed the door shut!  

I'm always telling people - as they blame me for all their problems - that I am just a consequence.  I am a consequence of their actions.  Just like this kid, he was simply facing the consequences of his actions and the door of justice had just slammed shut on him.

We all do stupid things and make dumb mistakes.  Sometimes it's done in ignorance, but we usually we usually know when we're doing stupid things and breaking the law - whether of law of men, or God, or both.  

Thankfully, Jesus Christ has provided us the opportunity to repent, change, and do better.  If it wasn't for Christ, then we would do one stupid mistake and that would be it.  The doors of justice would slam shut and it would be too late.  No turning back time, no chance to change and do better in the future, just cold, hard, justice.

I am so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, because He came and atoned for my sins, weaknesses and shortcomings.  He has given me more chances than I deserve and continues to help me even when I continue to do dumb things.  He is there for all of us.  None of us are better, or worse, than anyone else.  Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God".  All of us are cut off from the presence of God forever.  It only takes one sin, one mistake, one dumb thing and we're cut off forever.  But because of Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven's Plan of Salvation, we have the chance to change.  While we can't turn back time, through the atonement of Jesus Christ those sins and mistakes are taken from us.  The Lord tells us, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18)

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