Tuesday, August 19, 2014

All the Kings Horses & All the Kings Men...

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

I'm often reminded of this simple nursery rhyme we all learned as kids.  Nearly every day I encounter broken, shattered people... and I can't fix them.  They've had a great fall and they're broken into a million pieces.  The call is sent out for "All the king's horses and all the king's men" because we're the ones people call when everything is going wrong.  But we can't fix them.
We can help them pick up some pieces and sort some things out.  If another person has broken them, we can remove that person and lock him up, but we can't put them back together again.
I can't heal the alcoholic or drug addict.  I can help clean the cuts and bruises on a woman's face after a boyfriend or husband has beaten her, but I can't mend her broken heart.  I can't heal the shattering grief of a wife as I tell her that her husband has been killed in an accident and won't be coming home to her tonight.
I often leave these experiences feeling empty and hollow because my help is so limited.  But I find great solace in knowing there is one whose help is infinite.  There is one who can heal every pain and every affliction.  Jesus Christ is the Savior of every single one of us.  None of us are beyond his healing power and grace.  He can put them back together again.
And so my last act of service to the broken and shattered people I meet, is to pray that some how they might feel His love and power and be healed of their sorrows.... because I can't put them back together again, but He can.

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